Hawthorn Primary
Hawthorn Primary is based in Cantley and is an average sized school with close to 300 pupils. Click on the logo to follow the link to our website.
Academy Committee Information
Category of Governor |
Name |
Start of term of office |
Term of office expires |
Responsiblilty |
Headteacher |
Mr G R Rhodes |
01/09/2022 |
ex-officio |
Staff Governor |
Mr M Godley |
01/04/2020 |
31/03/2024 |
Co-Opted |
Mrs Diane Dunn (Chair) |
09/10/2022 |
10/10/2026 |
Safeguarding, Health and Safety |
Co-Opted |
Mr Alex Crosby |
01/04/2022 |
31/03/2026 |
Pupil Premium |
Parent |
Mrs Jasmine Keereweer-Raper (Vice Chair) |
01/04/2022 |
31/03/2026 |
Co-Opted |
Ms Pratixa Patel |
11/10/2022 |
10/10/2026 |
Health & Safety, Looked After Children |
Attendance 22/23